Verschillen tussen Oost- en West-Berlijn
Je ziet nog terug hoe Oost- en West-Berlijn zich vroeger apart van elkaar hebben ontwikkeld. De economie in het oosten loopt nog steeds achter op dat van het westen. In het oosten verkeerde de infrastructuur in een slechte staat en was de werkloosheid hoog. Na de val van de muur is er veel geld geïnvesteerd om de wegen, bruggen en andere infrastructuur te moderniseren en dat ziet er nu zelfs nog beter uit dan in het westen.

Grensovergang Checkpoint Charlie
During the division of Germany, a heavily guarded border ran through the center of the country. Berlin was also divided in two parts. To prevent people from fleeing between East and West Berlin, the 45.1-kilometer-long Berlin Wall was built on the night of August 13, 1961. One of the best known checkpoints was Checkpoint Charlie. This was the only border crossing where foreigners could travel to East Berlin. After the fall of the wall, Checkpoint Charlie is disbanded. A few years later, a replica was made of the guard house, showing the border crossing between East and West Berlin.

Het aangrijpende Holocaustmonument
Het Holocaustmonument was built in memory of the more than 6 million murdered European Jews during the Second World War. The Jews in the concentration camps felt the emotions of loneliness, powerlessness, disorientation, isolation and despair. They did not know what awaited them, where they were and how to escape from the terrible situation. The thought behind the design of the memorial is to evoke these emotions. As you walk deeper into the monument, through the narrow sloping paths between the 2700 uneven gigantic concrete blocks, you are cut off from the outside world and you get the feeling that you can no longer find a way out.

Restanten van de Berlijnse muur – East Side Gallery
The division of the city is clearly visible through the remnants of the Berlin Wall. The East Side Gallery is a 1316 meter long wall, which has been painted by artists. These artists expressed their view on freedom and political issues on the wall. Each work has a different approach. You can visit the world’s largest open air gallery for free.

De iconische Trabant
In de tijd van de DDR domineerde de Trabant het straatbeeld in Oost-Berlijn. Deze iconische oldtimers kun je huren om de beste bezienswaardigheden van Berlijn te ontdekken. Je ziet ze veel door de stad crossen. Ze zijn er in allerlei kleuren en vallen zeker op!