1. De astronomische klokkentoren
Old Town Square is the busiest part of Prague. This is mainly due to the Astronomical Clock Tower (the Old Town Hall). The clockwork comes into action every hour. The doors above the clock open and Jesus and his apostles appear. You can admire the historic halls of the town hall and climb the bell tower. From here you have a beautiful view over the city. You can also get a closer look at the apostles from the inside of the tower.

2. De Petrin Toren
In about 10 minutes, the funicular takes you to the top of the 318-meter hill of Petrin Park. Here you can admire the Petrin Tower, more commonly known as the Prague Eiffel Tower. You get the feeling that you are in Paris for a while. The 64-meter high tower was originally a watchtower, but now you can climb it and see Prague from above.

3. Tynkerk
In our opinion, you will find the most impressive church in Prague on the Old Town Square. With two gigantic black spires, the Tyn church immediately stands out. If you want to have an impressive view of the Tyn church (right photo), you can climb the bell tower.

4. De Kruittoren
The dark Powder Tower is gigantic. It is one of the old watchtowers that functioned as a city gate. We suddenly came across it when we got lost in the narrow alleys. So it made a big impression on us. The Tower can be found on nám. Republiky 5, 110 00 Staré Město.
5. Het Dansende Huis
Dit glazen gebouw is uniek en zoiets hebben we nog niet eerder gezien. De moderne stijl waarin het Dansende Huis is gebouwd maakt dit gebouw ook anders dan de andere gebouwen in Praag. Het Dansende huis heeft haar naam te danken aan de golvende lijnen en sierlijke bouw, waardoor het net lijkt alsof het danst.

6. Jeruzalem Synagoge
In tegenstelling tot de andere gebouwen is deze synagoge heel kleurrijk. Het is daarom een leuke eye catcher en hier zal je zeker niet snel voorbij lopen. De synagoge is te vinden op Jeruzalémská 1310/7